Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Getting Back on Track

I have not been here lately, I've been slacking.

Before I catch up on last year I want to say that we have made our reservations for July 2015. We are very excited for our trip! It is fun going to to see what all is happening at Disneyland and DCA.  I also go to to check out the restaurants and what they have to offer.

I plan to write a Kindle book about all of our Disney vacations soon. I have actually finished one that goes from the year 2003 to 2007 but just have to get it published.

For now though I will say that we will be in California for 12 days and that we also plan to check out to see if they have any good deals this summer so we can go there.

That is all for now, I will get back to last year soon.